
New center in Villaguay

August 10, 2017




The Sanatorio Americano de Villaguay has a new hyperbaric chamber. This was announced by the director of the health center, Juan Lafourcade.

The Hyperbaric Chamber is a medical device specially equipped to supply oxygen at a pressure higher than normal atmospheric, increasing the concentration and availability of oxygen in the blood plasma. The hyperbaric chambers used by BioBarica and now by the Sanatorio Americano are medium pressure. They reach a pressure of 1.45 ATM achieving a complete efficiency in the diffusion of oxygen in all tissues of the body, allowing to accelerate the recovery process in the pathologies treated by doctors.

At the inauguration was present the director of the Biobaric Network, Pablo Varán, and the medical director, Mariana Cannellotto, who said that the process allows oxygen to reach the brain, cartilage, bones and tissues even those less irrigated.

As they indicated, the treatments with Hyperbaric Chamber help and make more efficient the healing processes, deflating the tissues, improving the metabolism, reducing the recovery times of wounds, accelerating post-surgical processes, making synergy with other treatments and preventing diseases.

Hyperbaric Medicine can be indicated by professionals of any specialty and is a safe and painless treatment.

Data of the center

Rivadavia 360 – (3240) Villaguay – Entre Ríos

Phone: 03455 – 421370



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