
New care center in Barcelona

August 24, 2022


1m 56s


Committed to the mission of promoting and developing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Biobarica Hyperbaric Solutions continues to expand around the world and, on this occasion, opened a care center in Spain. Located at Carrer de Can Bruixa 17, the center directed by Dr. Francesc Cobo Valient, specializes in the treatment of various pathologies using oxygen as the primary therapeutic element: 

"The Oksygen Experience project began when we realized that the democratization of access to hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) was still a pending issue in Spain. For that reason, and considering that it is a non-invasive treatment, without side effects and with the multiple benefits in various pathologies, we considered the need to offer a service that would disseminate the applications of hyperbaric chambers for that purpose."

When the patient enters the hyperbaric chamber and breathes, through a mask, oxygen close to 100%, it generates a hyperoxygenation of all tissues of the body and triggers various beneficial physiological effects. Among them, the acceleration of wound healing and rehabilitation times, improvement of chronic injuries caused by radiation or burns, relief of pain and fatigue in patients undergoing oncological treatments, reduction of inflammation and decrease in the risk of infection. One of the most successful cases of Oksygen Experience was a 40-year-old patient who suffered from breast cancer and decided to use hyperbaric therapy as an adjuvant treatment. Thanks to HBOT she regained vitality, joint pain and bruising disappeared and her mobility improved. During the treatment the patient contracted Covid 19 and, thanks to the sessions she had previously undergone, her oxygen saturation was not affected and she did not suffer any complications. In sharing his patients' experiences with us, the director of the center said:

"The most satisfying thing about the Oksygen Experience project is to see how our initial objective is being achieved: more and more patients who were unaware of HBOT are becoming regulars in the hyperbaric chambers after trying the treatment and seeing the results. The improvements are visible in transplant recovery, oncology treatment, Covid 19, fractures and injuries, as well as in sleep disorders, infantile autism, sports preparation and neurological diseases".

On the other hand, international certifications such as CE and technical service were decisive points in the process of acquiring the chambers, since they provide both the professional and the patient with the peace of mind of using safe medical equipment that meets the highest health standards: 

"What prompted Oksygen Experience to decide to acquire the chambers from Biobarica were the sanitary certifications that guarantee that these chambers meet the standards that will be required from us as a medical center. In addition, and no less important, the fact that they offer technical service in Spain was fundamental for us. This way, they assure us that, in case of any inconvenience in any chamber, the response is immediate. Thus, it won't affect patients and they can continue their treatment without interruption."



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