Barry Argroves: “I can’t imagine having a better experience with any medical equipment manufacturer”

June 15, 2021


4m 21s


Barry Argroves´s interest in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy began in response to his sister-in-law’s head injury which she received after being hit by a car and forced into oncoming traffic on an interstate highway. His wife, Kay, is a nurse anesthetist and former diver, and she heard about some HBOT research working with TBI survivors up to 15 years post-injury. At that time, Barry was working with the State of Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation program, and the traditional thinking was that nothing could be done for head injuries after about 18 months post-injury. 

“When I found out about the work that was being done by Dr. Philip James, Dr. Paul Harch, Dr. Richard Neubauer, and others, I was absolutely fascinated and immediately hooked on the potential benefits of HBOT. I began attending conferences and training opportunities as I found them, started a business to help establish hyperbaric centers in Georgia, and worked for several years in my Vocational Rehabilitation Program to educate our leaders and seek out opportunities to advance HBOT across our state”, he explains.

After approximately 20 years of study and varied experiences in hyperbaric medicine, Barry Argroves had the opportunity to serve as Executive Director of the International Hyperbaric Medical Association (IHMA) for two years. He says that it was the perfect opportunity to learn from and work closely with many of the leaders in hyperbaric medicine who had dedicated their lives to advancing the scientific research and growth of HBOT

From a Hyperbaric Medicine Association to Biobarica: a natural progression

When Barry was the Executive Director of the IHMA, they hosted annual International Conferences to promote the latest research and advancements in hyperbaric medicine. At these conferences, there were opportunities for companies to sponsor a booth to give the attendees a chance to see the latest innovations and technologies in their field. This is how he met Biobarica, when he found the company on the internet and started a conversation with their team to participate in the annual conference. 

After working to help establish some HBOT centers and provide education and increased awareness across the Georgia VR Program, his experience as a Rehabilitation Engineer seemed to be a perfect fit for Barry to begin working to promote Biobarica and the Revitalair 430F chamber: “I am passionate about products that are functional, practical, safe and effective. I can think of no other hyperbaric chamber manufacturer that fits the bill better than Biobarica. I am excited about the opportunities and potential for the expansion of hyperbaric medicine here in the U.S. that this company can bring,” he tells. 

For the 20 years that Barry Argroves has been interested in, studying, and working in the field of hyperbaric medicine, he has explored several options that he felt could help expand the field. One fundamental issue that repeatedly arises at the forefront as a primary barrier to the growth of hyperbaric medicine is access to affordable, safe, and effective hyperbaric therapy in both large cities and small towns and communities.

The expense of establishing a traditional full medical hyperbaric clinic, the costs to staff and operate these clinics (especially if they are only available in a hospital setting) will prohibit all but the larger cities from having access to hyperbaric therapy that is needed by millions around the globe. This is why Barry believes that the Revitaliar 430F chamber and the Biobarica system can provide a viable therapeutic option for almost any clinician to add hyperbaric medicine to their existing practice to make it available to their patients in a very safe and effective manner.

“The benefits of hyperbaric medicine do not begin at one specific level of pressure, O2 saturation, or time. It is a matter of dosing for each indication and some benefits may be obtained at varied pressures, with and without additional O2, and at varied treatment times. I believe the Revitalair 430F chamber by Biobarica is in a class of its own as a mid-pressure, semi-rigid chamber that can easily be set up in a clinic, hospital, or any outpatient setting. The Revitalair 430F can bridge the gap between the mild hyperbaric chambers and the full medical units to bring effective and affordable hyperbaric treatment options to a wide range of potential applications”, says Barry when he is asked about the differences between Biobarica and the other hyperbaric chambers on the market. 

A highly recommended integral medical solution

The Revitalair 430F chamber and the Biobarica system is a complete package for a hyperbaric treatment system that can meet the needs of many therapeutic and treatment options. It is an affordable, safe, and effective quality chamber and can be installed easily in a wide variety of locations to meet varied needs. Installing the chamber does not require special plumbing, building, structural, fire, or electrical code compliance, saving significant costs that can be incurred for traditional hyperbaric chamber installations. 

The BGS (Biobarica Global Systems) software provides a patient management system with data tracking for each clinic and access to treatment protocols and successes from Biobarica clinics around the globe. The BGS system also provides training modules for each clinic and chamber operator, including safety videos and up-to-date research, scientific publications, and patient case data for optimal protocols for treating specific indications and injuries.

“I can’t imagine having a better experience or more open and honest communication with any equipment manufacturer. The Biobarica leadership team is fully dedicated to the legitimate, scientific study and expansion of hyperbaric medicine across the globe. I have been completely impressed with their honesty and integrity from the very beginning of our conversations together. It was clear to me then that their company and the full Biobarica team had set their goal to expand hyperbaric medicine and support that growth with the research and resources to do it the right way”, stands out.

Barry Argroves recommends that physicians strongly consider adding hyperbaric therapy to their existing practice. Some of the beneficial effects of intermittent, properly dosed hyperoxygenation that are provided by hyperbaric oxygen therapy are a reduction of soft tissue inflammation & pain, vasoconstriction with a simultaneous increase of tissue oxygenation, increased stem cell production, improved cerebral blood flow & neural protection, meditation of free radical cellular damage, stimulation of collagen for improved wound healing and improved immune responses. To him, these and other physiological effects can be keys to helping patients recover from many chronic health conditions and strongly suggests that HBOT can be great adjunctive therapy for a wide range of traditional medical practitioners.  

